23-637 Annual Renewal Data file for Medi-Cal Members

Date: 06/29/23

Find out which members are renewing Medi-Cal

Each month, beginning May 2023 through April 2024, the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) will provide managed care plans (MCPs) a data file with information on Medi-Cal members who are up for redetermination, including their renewal date. Data files will be provided to MCPs on the 15th of each month.

California Health & Wellness Plan (CHWP) will be distributing data files directly to primary care physicians (PCPs) and independent practice associations (IPAs) through their Health Plan Provider Engagement Representative.

We need your assistance to support members through the renewal process

Complete the below steps to assist in ensuring the members continue to be eligible for Medi-Cal services and assigned to their existing PCP and/or IPA:

  • If you have developed existing retention strategies, please incorporate members on this list into the process.
  • If you have contact with members on this list or if you have any patients who you believe may require assistance, please reach out to them directly.

Your guidance can help them navigate the necessary steps to complete the renewal process successfully, ensuring that they maintain their healthcare coverage without any disruption.

Additional information

For questions about the data files, please email Provider Relations.

If you have questions regarding the information contained in this update, contact CHWP at 877-658-0305.


This Information applies to Physicians, and Independent Practice Associations.